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Entering a new space and community can be daunting. We want to ease your mind by offering answers to some of the questions you might have about our worship gathering, our church community and the ways we build relationships with one another.

  • Communion
    We come to The Table every week to meet with Jesus. We provide communion elements in pre-packaged, single-use units that contain both communion juice and a wafer. These will be available to you before you are seated.
  • Masks
    Provincial masking restrictions have lifted as of March 1st, so we will no longer be asking those entering the SPAC facility to mask. You are welcome to continue wearing one if you feel more comfortable doing so. We are providing physically distanced, masked seating options in our Auditorium for those desiring this and we would ask everyone to take note of and respect the signage indicating these designated areas. Please express your seating preference to our First Impressions Team when entering the auditorium and they will be happy to accommodate this. We will continue to adjust our approach to COVID restrictions on an ongoing basis and as circumstances change and will always communicate these changes to our SPAC family to the best of our abilities.
  • Sanitization
    You will find hand sanitizer stations located all throughout our building at convenient locations. We will also be maintaining an enhanced building cleaning schedule to ensure that high-touch surfaces are sanitized regularly.
  • Seating
    We are providing physically distanced, masked seating options in our Auditorium for those desiring this and we would ask everyone to take note of and respect the signage indicating these designated areas. Please express your seating preference to our First Impressions Team when entering the auditorium and they will be happy to accommodate this.
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