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The in-breaking of the Kingdom of God can be seen wherever we find the presence of goodness - every act of good, every proclamation of truth, every expression of goodwill, every effort to reduce pain and suffering, every creative act that brings beauty, every pursuit of stewardship and justice. We believe that while God's primary agents of reconciliation on earth are His Church, the Kingdom is not limited to the walls of our buildings. God's children are everywhere, bearing His image and representing Him to the world. We want to celebrate and participate in that goodness near and far.

Being a community devoted to justice and compassion takes on many forms, but at SPAC, we are committed to listening and learning well from those experiencing need and those trained and equipped to know how best to help. This means opening our minds and hearts to renewal and transformation alongside engaging in wise and timely action.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:2

MIND | Be Renewed

HEART | Be Transformed

ACTION | Be Responsive

Head to our BLOG for stories on how justice and compassion is growing in our midst.

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