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DEATH TO LIFE | Lent 2025

Wade Paton

Our story as humans begins with life. Abundant. Eternal. Joyful. Life that was free and full. God spoke and formed what was formless, filled what was void, and breathed life into His

creation. Life abounded and it was very good. However, life was not the only power at work in the world. Death, though nothing but a vaporous threat at the time, was seeking to mar God’s good creation and steal life from those who had only known vibrancy. Temptation. Decision. Shame. Death became the curse that would now plague humanity as the seemingly unbeatable enemy of life.

For millennia, deaths sting touched every single person and the fear of inevitable end, a plunging into mysterious darkness, afflicted each one that would draw breath. With this, death became more than just the end of physical life; it became the force behind pride, certainty, control, perfection, assumption and despair. Destructive choices. Broken

relationships. Fearful existence. Death was the adversary that stood in rebellion against God and the way of forever life that he had intended for us.

What could be done about this curse of death? Death itself must be defeated. Who could do such a thing? Only Jesus. Our Emmanuel, God with us, came into the world as the source of all life to break the curse of death and set us free. How did Jesus do this? When he absorbed the curse into his flesh and blood at the cross when he died, took the curse to the grave, and then rose again to life, death stayed dead and Life emerged victorious.

Hebrews 2:14-15 says, “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

As we journey through this season of Lent, we will hear the invitation of Jesus to choose life over the broken curse of death in our lives. Every time we respond to his voice by embracing humility, mystery, surrender, faithfulness, curiosity and hope, we are walking in the way that leads to fullness of Life.

As we move toward Holy Week and our Easter Celebration, my prayer is that each one of us will be able to declare with all of hearts the truth of 1 Corinthians 15: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Here is what you will encounter week by week!


Read through the personal reflections from our staff team. What do you relate to? How can their reflections help you to better understand your own story?


Slowly read through the passages offered. How do they relate to the reflection? What is Spirit revealing through them?


Take time to work through the prompting questions to reflect on how you may be moving towards death rather than embracing life in God.


Using the guided prompts, take time to respond in confession. In repentance how can you turn towards God and others?


Take time to listen to the voice of Jesus and receive his mercy and grace.


An ancient practice of the people of God is fasting. Fasting is the act of abstaining from something in order to focus on Jesus instead. Every week, you will be invited to participate in a different fast to help detach from our surface wants and pay attention to what is bringing life and what is leading to death.

How you engage with these fasts are up to you. At the end of the week as your fast comes to a close, we invite you to reflect on how going without has allowed you to be with Jesus instead. How has life has been different while taking a break from satisfying your normal wants? Share with those who are journeying with you. Encourage one another along the way.


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