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Giving Gratitude | Feb 2023

Wade Paton

Dear Stony Plain Alliance Church family,

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (NIV)


The passage of scripture above is one that I’ve been reflecting on a lot as I prepared for our month long focus on stewardship through the month of February. In Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth he was making an appeal for them to give generously toward the church in Jerusalem that was struggling and in trouble. From all indications, the Corinthian church responded with open-handedness and a significant gift was delivered to their fellow believers whom they had never even met. Furthermore, this was a group of Gentiles giving toward a group of Jewish Christians. There were significant cultural differences, socio-economic divides, varying religious practices and a long history of animosity that should have made any response at all an undeniable miracle. But it happened.  Why? Because the church had come to believe, and then put into practice, the truth that life together in Jesus Christ is not ruled by greed or scarcity but rather is motivated by fearless generosity.

It fills my heart with gratitude to see that this same way of living is being evidenced at Stony Plain Alliance Church. The receipt that you’re receiving with this letter today is far more than just another step in securing a better tax return. Your receipt serves as testimony to the fact that you have chosen to trust Jesus in the area of your finances and embrace his promise of provision. Your receipt indicates that you are invested in the ministry of this church and to our mission: Fullness of life for everyone, by practicing the way of Jesus together. As I think about last year and all that happened as we responded to people in need, funded outreach initiatives, gathered regularly for worship, supported our staff team and international partners, much of it was made possible by what is indicated on your receipt. You have sowed generously and many people have been the beneficiary of your gifts.

With this in mind, and on behalf of our team, thank-you for your faithful giving in 2022. I pray that this coming year we will continue to grow as a community in cheerful generosity as we seek to abound in every good work together.  



If you consider SPAC to be your home church and you would like to know more about membership, please click here.

To contribute financially to the ministry of Stony Plain Alliance Church, please go to our Giving Page and hit the Give Now button or explore any of the giving options listed.


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