Dear Stony Plain Alliance Church family,
“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross!” -Philippians 2
These inspired words of the Apostle Paul were written to a church that had been exceedingly generous. The church in Jerusalem was struggling deeply and needed the financial support of other Christian churches spread across the Roman empire. One of Paul’s big projects was to get the message out about this need and take up the collection on his way back to Jerusalem. The response from churches like the one in Philippi was a picture of joyful giving that was worth celebrating.
Fast forward, and Paul is now imprisoned in Rome and has time to reflect on what had happened through the open-hearted generosity of the churches. He dictates sermons while under house arrest that are written down and distributed as letters. The word he sent to Philippi was one of gratitude and a call to see their generosity in light of what it truly meant. In essence, Paul tells them that their selflessness was about much more than money. The way they acted, and how they were to continue to act, was to imitate the generosity of Jesus who held nothing back for us. In verse 7 it speaks of Jesus ‘making himself nothing’. That phrase is translated from the word ‘kenosis’. It means to empty oneself for the sake of another. To hold nothing back. To go the whole distance. To be extravagant in generosity. Jesus giving of himself for others was of the same Spirit that motivated the giving of the church to others. It was about way more than money. It was a picture of the Good News of Jesus being lived out in community.
This is true about what has happened here at Stony Plain Alliance over the last fiscal year. Every financial contribution is a reminder that as God has been so generous to us, it is our privilege to live into that same generosity with open hearts and hands. It is a picture of the Good News of Jesus being lived out in community.
I am especially reminded today of how, when faced with our own financial challenges last year, we brought forward the need with a call to intercede. We didn’t know what to do, but we looked to God for help. We prayed, listened and responded. You gave and stewarded God’s resources toward this church in ways that kept us functioning as a ministry. Thank-you for modelling the way of Jesus in this time and place through your giving.
As we move through this next season, it is our privilege to continue being a church that is about fullness of life for everyone by practicing the way of Jesus together. Your ongoing, faith-filled generosity is a critical part of this wonderful adventure.
May God bless you in the days ahead as we participate with him in being fully generous in every moment.