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King of My Community

Linda Stover

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Even when I know truth, I don’t always live truth. Even though I value the command to love my neighbour, I don’t always obey.

I come home from work and feel emotionally tired and spiritually depleted. I have no words left and life weighs heavy. As I walk my dog and meet with God, I crave silence while I march into the golden glow of the setting sun. When I see neighbours outside up ahead, apprehension floods through me and I am tempted to turn down the back lane.

There are so many choices every day in my relationships. Will I go forward on the King’s path, or will I duck into an alley of avoidance?

My only prayer: “Help!”. I move forward one step at a time, choosing to not take the escape route that appears on the left.

Where I have no energy, He provides energy. Where I have no words, He provides words. Where neighbours vent about community issues in anger, He provides words of peace. Where discouragement leaks out, He provides encouragement. Where hurts abound, He listens through me.

Neighbourhood relationships are being built little by little, with each step forward. With each choice made. With each surrendered moment. With each gift given. With each negative attitude confessed to God. With each new family member welcomed. With each sidewalk shoveled. With each ride given.

The habits of community get easier, but I do not mistake that there is always a choice for me in the midst. The alley still beckons when I am tired, but I am learning to let Jesus be King over my community and to say yes to unexpected interruptions. I am discovering that there is joy to be found when I surrender to his leading.


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