Dear SPAC Family,
You are invited to join in a season of focused prayer, listening, and responsiveness as we practice the presence of Jesus together as a community around a substantial need.
In 2 Chronicles 20, we read about a group of people that found themselves up against a seemingly insurmountable crisis. Their nation was surrounded by enemies they knew they could not overcome in their own strength. They felt powerless as all they could see was their scarcity of resources. As the palpable tension grew in the community, there came a moment in which the king stood before them and prayed, “God, we do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.” It is a simple, honest, and profound prayer.
While we are not under the threat of military conquest, we are facing a crisis of our own regarding finances. Despite significant efforts to limit spending, be creative within our ministries, and reduce fixed costs, our current reality is that without a significant increase in giving, 8 months from now we will be out of money, having exhausted our reserves. This would have implications on staffing and our ability to carry out ministry would be diminished.
As a pastoral team and elders board, our confession is: God, we do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help. We are inviting all who consider SPAC their church home to join us in a month of dedicated prayer about this need. We recognize that the weight of financial strain on us is also being experienced by individual families and the greater community. We need God’s wisdom, guidance, and provision in all areas so that we can continue moving unhindered toward Fullness of Life for Everyone by Practicing the Way of Jesus Together.
This guide has been prepared to help us confess, listen, ask, and give thanks to Jesus on behalf of various needs throughout the month. There will also be opportunities for in-person prayer culminating at our November Converge. Together we are trusting in the same God that delivered the people in 2 Chronicles through a miraculous breakthrough – one that was better than they could have imagined.
My personal prayer is that in this time and place, we will experience together the kind of unfolding story that becomes a testimony of God’s goodness as we resist the assault of scarcity and live into the kind of abundance he has prepared for us.